On 15 November 2017, H.E. Mr. Chutintorn Gongsakdi, Ambassador of Thailand to India, presented “Thai Select Certificate” for “Thai Pavilion” Restaurant to Mr. Manu Sharma,
General Manager, Taj City Centre, Gurugram.

"Thai Select", or Thai Select Premium certification, indicates authenticity of the Thai foods prepared, and also certifies the hospitality and the atmosphere of the restaurant.
The chefs must be carefully trained in the preparation of bona fide Thai meals. Receiving this prestigious award is not easy, the criteria are high and the guidelines are strict.

Special thanks to Chef Prajuab Shoosridam, Thai Masterchef of “Thai Pavilion”, for making this crispy and delicious ‘battered and deep-fried unripe rice and grated coconut
banana rolls’, or Khaao Mao Thaawt (ข้าวเม่าทอด) in Thai, a seemingly straightforward Thai dessert yet quite challenging to master.

Big congratulations to “Thai Pavilion” Restaurant at Taj City Centre, Gurugram!!

Royal Thai Embassy, New Delhi
15 November 2017