The Indian Engineering sector has witnessed a remarkable growth over the last few years driven by increased investments in infrastructure and industrial production. The engineering sector, being closely associated with the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors, is of strategic importance to India’s economy. India’s engineering exports reached an all-time high in FY19, surpassing the US$ 80 billion mark. Engineering exports grew 6.32 per cent year-on-year to US$ 81.02 billion in FY19. Engineering exports reached US$ 57.91 billion in FY20 (up to December 2019). The engineering sector in India attracts immense interest from foreign players as it enjoys a comparative advantage in terms of manufacturing costs, technology and innovation. The above, coupled with favourable regulatory policies and growth in the manufacturing sector has enabled several foreign players to invest in India. With 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) allowed through the automatic route, and initiatives like ‘Make in India’, major international players have entered the Indian engineering sector due to significant growth opportunities available. Miscellaneous mechanical and engineering industries have received FDI inflows worth US$ 3.62 billion during April 2000-September 2019.