The Indian Railways is among the world’s 3rd largest rail networks. The Indian Railways route length network is spread over 115,000 km, with 12,617 passenger trains and 7,421 freight trains each day from 7,349 stations plying 23 million travellers and 3 million tonnes (MT) of freight daily. India's railway network is recognised as one of the largest railway systems in the world under single management. Indian Railways’ revenues increased at a CAGR of 6.20 per cent during FY08-FY19 to US$ 27.13 billion in FY19. Earnings from the passenger business grew at a CAGR of 6.43 per cent during FY07-FY19 to reach US$ 7.55 billion in 2018-19P. Freight revenue rose at a CAGR of 4.30 per cent during FY08-FY19 to reach US$ 18.20 billion in 2018-19. Revenue growth has been strong over the years. Indian Railways’ revenues increased at a CAGR of 6.20 per cent during FY08-FY19 and reach to US$ 27.13 billion in FY19. The gross revenue stood at Rs 114,197.94 crore (US$ 16.34 billion) in FY20P (up to November 2019). Revenues from the sector are estimated to reach to US$ 44.5 billion by the end of FY20. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows in railway related components from April 2000 to September 2019 stood at US$ 1,070.91 million. The Government of India has focused on investing on railway infrastructure by making investor-friendly policies. It has moved quickly to enable FDI in railways to improve infrastructure for freight and high-speed trains. At present, several domestic and foreign companies are also looking to invest in Indian rail projects.