Haryana, the ‘Breadbasket of India’ is surrounded by Uttar Pradesh in the east, Punjab in the west, Himachal Pradesh in the north and Rajasthan in the south. Haryana is home to Maruti Udyog Ltd, India’s largest passenger car manufacturer & Hero MotoCorp Ltd, world's largest manufacturer of two wheelers. Under ‘Make in India’ project, Manesar-Bawal Investment Region has been identified by the Government to be a manufacturing hub. The state’s real estate market is attractive and it is a preferred automotive hub. Of the total 250 large & medium OEMs, about 50 are located in Haryana. At current prices, the total GSDP of Haryana reached Rs 7.85 trillion (US$ 112.31 billion) in 2019-20. The state accounted for 7.28 per cent of India’s agricultural exports in FY19. Merchandise exports from Haryana reached US$ 13.83 billion in FY19. The state has invested in the development of world class infrastructure facilities such as special economic zones (SEZs), Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) global corridor and Delhi- Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). Haryana enjoys a locational advantage, with nearly one-third of the state’s area under the National Capital Region (NCR), a prominent trade and consumption centre. The state has attracted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity inflows worth US$ 89.6 billion during the period April 2000 to June 2019, according to data released by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).